Drumroll, Please . . . Best Cheese in the World Announced!
We have a victor in the top cheese international competition: Swiss Emmentaler! What's Swiss Emmantaler, you ask? Um, no idea, but apparently it's fancy, Swiss and tastes mind-blowingly amazing. In other news, this marks the 26th year in a row that a U.S. cheese has been shut out of the top spot. What, you don't like Kraft singles and Velveeta, judges? Whatevs.
Finally . . . Pole Dancing Gets Its Oscars!
In other weird awards news, tomorrow marks the debut of the Pole World News Awards in L.A., a celebration of sexy pole grooves (no word on what "news" has to do with it). We don't want to call it too soon, but really, can anybody beat Lexy and Tess, the amazing pole-dancing robots? Doubtful.
Guy Impresses the Pants Off Pat Sajak With Craziest "Wheel of Fortune" Guess Ever
Quick, you have 10 seconds to figure out the solution to this puzzle: it's a thing, three words, and the first word start with the letters "B" and "A." Stumped? The genius belowwasn't. Watch if you're a word nerd:
"Chicken From Hell" Dinosaur Discovered
Well, that's unfortunate. A newly discovered dinosaur called Anzu wyliei has been nicknamed the "chicken from hell" thanks to its frighteningly weird combo of features: toothless beak, long legs, feathers, claws. Hey everyone, stop the hatin': we think he sounds cool! Now the question is, could he beat a tiny T-Rex in battle? Sadly, we'll never know . . .
Image of pole dancer who's definitely not as good as robots: Starrrgrrrl/Wikimedia Commons